As we mentioned previously, our resources are authenticated by FiveM's Tebex Escrow System. This means that all purchases are linked to a FiveM account and can be accessed through Keymaster here (opens in a new tab).

Assets can be easily downloaded through Keymaster.
Server Keys
These resources will only work on servers using a key from the same Keymaster account. This is to ensure resource security and prevent unauthorised users from using them if the files were to be shared accidentally. If this causes problems please see the next section on transferring resources.
Transferring Assets
You can easily transfer resources to other users by pressing the Transfer to another account button. However, this is irreversible and our Support Team have no access to the Keymaster if an accidental transfer is made.
We believe a Teams feature is planned soon, meaning server owners can share access to the resource with other users, such as developers without also having to share their server licence key.

To transfer, enter the username of the FiveM account and confirm by pressing the button. This is irreversible and you are reminded by the warning before transferring.
Resource Updates
We regularly publish bug fixes and make changes to our resources, meaning updates for end users. These are not downloaded automatically to your server and you are required to update these manually. The latest edition can always be found on Keymaster.
We hope in the future FiveM will update the Tebex Escrow System to include automatic updates, meaning this won't have to be a manual process to download them.
To be notified about updates, make sure to join our Discord server here (opens in a new tab). Customers have access to an exclusive section of the Discord, if you didn't link your Discord at checkout, get in touch with us and we'll add the Customer tag for you.